4 MUST Know CHORDS | good old days chords | Website providing Australia’s #1 song chords

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4 MUST Know CHORDS | You can find all the song chords here

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4 MUST Know CHORDS and information related to this topic.

This video is about 4 MUST Know CHORDS. Which are Major, Minor, Diminished and Augmented. Master these 4 types of triads and you’ll rule the musical universe muhaha. Grab the tab below!

🔴 Shred’s Evil Laugh Ringtone


-Scale Bible
-Chord Bible
-Music Theory Course
-Modal Masterclass
-Exotic Scales


🔴 Shred’s Metal Podcast

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good old days chords.

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34 thoughts on “4 MUST Know CHORDS | good old days chords | Website providing Australia’s #1 song chords”

  1. I liove ithat d f a = d minor. Db F Ab = Db major. Just shift back and forth between them. Sounds cool. Should do that with all chords in all keys.

  2. Augmented chord Whole tone scale. Play it over a dominant 7th chord too. You should have included the dom 7th chord. Much more common. I do agree though everyone should know these. Chord spelling is a great music theory skill too. Its actually fairly simple. You're showing it. 👍

  3. By the way, this is what you learn in the first year of college level music theory. If you can learn it from Shred, you’ll save a metric shit ton of money 🙂

  4. Funny, I play with these chords all the time when riffing heavy and I want to make it more epic and clean up a little.

  5. There’s only 4 chords I need to know: I – V – VI – IV 😎😎😎😎😎😎🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵👈📮👉👈📮👉🥵🥵🥵🥵🥴 👉🌝👈👉🌝👈

  6. I actually really undesrtand this, because i take piano lessons and this was one of the first things we did, triads and their inversions also could you do video about diminished 7th chords, i love how they sound

  7. More chords and their intervalic structures please. Badass lesson! Whoever you two douchers are that thumbs down this video, I hope your garage band makes it.

  8. also sprach zarathustra "da duhhh". ya only 3 diminished chords. my new favorite chords are sus2 and sus4 because they are sneaky

  9. Its so crazy that you mentioned the piece from space odyssey, there's this guy that put it together on like a flamenco guitar. I actually thought about sending it to you some how.
    Anyway his channel is antonio rioseco. You gotta watch the one where hes older and has mastered it

  10. Please elaborate on the more complex jazz chords being based on these chords. I'm an awful musician but I want to take your class after summer so I'll understand exactly why I'm awful.

  11. Shred you are unapologetically awesome. This one is going to be one video I will come back often.
    I would say “Cheers” but it doesn’t sound evil enough, so I will say “Skol”

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