Bad Lyrics :: David Guetta | The site that provides the most complete music chords

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Bad – David Guetta feat Vassy

I say why does it feel so good?
So good to be bad
Getting what I want, boy
Why does that make you so mad?

You see, why does it feel so good?
So good to be bad
Cause if it’s struggle that you’re looking for
Oh baby, here I am

Oh baby, here I am

I say so why does it feel so good?
So good to be bad

I say why does it feel so good?
So good to be bad
Getting what I want, boy
Why does that make you so mad?

You see, why does it feel so good?
So good to be bad
Cause if it’s struggle that you’re looking for
Oh baby, here I am

Oh baby, here I am

You see, why does it feel so good?

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Bad Lyrics :: David Guetta

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Bad – David Guetta feat Vassy

I say why does it feel so good?
So good to be bad
Getting what I want, boy
Why does that make you so mad?

You see, why does it feel so good?
So good to be bad
Cause if it’s struggle that you’re looking for
Oh baby, here I am

Oh baby, here I am

I say so why does it feel so good?
So good to be bad

I say why does it feel so good?
So good to be bad
Getting what I want, boy
Why does that make you so mad?

You see, why does it feel so good?
So good to be bad
Cause if it’s struggle that you’re looking for
Oh baby, here I am

Oh baby, here I am

You see, why does it feel so good?

view 954 times

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