Doing EAR Training on your GUITAR Fretboard? [Genius Exercise] | you will be found chords | Website providing Australia’s #1 song chords

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Doing EAR Training on your GUITAR Fretboard? [Genius Exercise] | You can find all the song chords here

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Doing EAR Training on your GUITAR Fretboard? [Genius Exercise]

Doing EAR Training on your GUITAR Fretboard? [Genius Exercise]

Doing EAR Training on your GUITAR Fretboard? [Genius Exercise] and information related to this topic.

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Sometimes two important questions have the same answer

Question 1: what is the most important thing that musicians should do to get better at music theory?

Question 2: what is that thing that we guitar players never practice?

Care to guess?…







Yes, it’s ear training ๐Ÿ™‚

Yeah, I know you’d rather walk barefoot on broken glass than practicing this for even a minute.

And I agree. Personally when I was learning I skimped on my ear training because:

1. It looks hard. Heck, it looks impossible at first.

2. There’s not a good explanation of how to practice it in a gradual way

3. I’d rather play my guitars

Ok, but what if you can have these 3 cakes and eat them too?

That is, what if you could practice ear training while playing your guitar, with a very easy, simple, gradual exercise?

Well, if you are still here (half of my readers compulsively deleted this email the moment they read ‘ear training’…) then I have exactly what you need in this video:

BONUS: in the video you are going to hear me sing ๐Ÿ˜‰ Never say my videos don’t have comic relief!

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Keywords related to the topic Doing EAR Training on your GUITAR Fretboard? [Genius Exercise].

#EAR #Training #GUITAR #Fretboard #Genius #Exercise.

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Doing EAR Training on your GUITAR Fretboard? [Genius Exercise].

you will be found chords.

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29 thoughts on “Doing EAR Training on your GUITAR Fretboard? [Genius Exercise] | you will be found chords | Website providing Australia’s #1 song chords”

  1. Moving to Montana soon. Frank Zappa. I've seen a few analyses of this and would be very interested to hear your veiw. One YouTube vid is over 45mins and in depth, to say the least.. Is it as complex as they suggest?

  2. I just love this guy! His enthusiastic and friendly greeting always brings a smile to my face. There are some people that I meet that immediately could be a close personal friend, and Tomaso is one of them. Though he sometimes jokes about his Italian accent, there is no question that his English is impeccable, both written and spoken. And of course, his knowledge of guitar and music theory is absolutely the best as is his gift for teaching it. Thank you Maestro Zillow for all these great videos.

  3. It seems like it requires a very strong understanding of music theory to use this exercise, but I was under the impression ear training was where you should start before learning music theory…….

  4. Good I know I need ear training. Instead of 'singing' the note perhaps call it 'vocalising'. Doesn't carry the baggage of having to sing. just a thought.

  5. This is a totally random thought that I had as I was watching this video. Why is it that guitar players refer to the string and fret position as opposed to the string and note when explaining fingering of chords? I feel like thatโ€™s why most guitar players donโ€™t know the notes on the guitar neck.

  6. Sublime, Sir. Like a firework of understanding waking up the sleeping chihuahua of my musical potential. So I shall sing. Though it may sound โ€œwoofโ€!

  7. Hi, I love your videos! I have a question: can you explain to me the bVII chord and itโ€™s harmonic functions? Because I see it very often in jazz (e.g. in the backdoor 2-5-1 in โ€žMistyโ€œ) but also in Pop songs (e.g. in โ€žhelloโ€œ from Shakespeare sisters; the third chord (E) of the Verse) but I donโ€™t understand why it works. After all itโ€™s a non-diatonic chord… and itโ€™s not a simple secondary dominant with a clear harmonic function either. I also noticed that most of the time it seems to be a dominant chord so a bVII7 chord but it is often not resolving to the chord thatโ€™s a perfect 5th below the root of the bVII7 chord so it doesnโ€™t act as a secondary dominant.

  8. This is interesting, because singing (not well) in our church choir motivated me to learn about music theory, which led me to (begin) to learn guitar.
    So, you have brought me full circle! Like connecting the dots. Bravo!
    Thank you. ?

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