Elders Lyrics :: The Offspring | The site that provides the most complete music chords

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Elders Lyrics :: The Offspring | You can find many other song chords here

Elders – The Offspring

When we younger
There always seemed like some
Some perfect mold
That we’re supposed to be
But now we’re growing up and
I see it’s just not that way
Now I feel like someones lied to me

Cause I’ve been true
Made good for you
And now I feel used
I’m asking you
How does it feel
How does it feel
How does it feel
To be like you

Tell me now elders
What wre your reasons for
Making it seem
Like you were so much more
If you want to feel good
Because of our accomplishments
Why the f_ck
Don’t you just do it yourself

Cause I’ve tried
Man I’ve tried
While you all lied
So now just tell me
How does it feel
How does it feel
How does it feel
To be like you

Look at all the families now
Who don’t talk and don’t trust
Because of the way
That things have been done
When will you finally learn
To leave out the bullsh_t
And just be straight with us

view 3,880 times

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Elders Lyrics :: The Offspring

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Elders – The Offspring

When we younger
There always seemed like some
Some perfect mold
That we’re supposed to be
But now we’re growing up and
I see it’s just not that way
Now I feel like someones lied to me

Cause I’ve been true
Made good for you
And now I feel used
I’m asking you
How does it feel
How does it feel
How does it feel
To be like you

Tell me now elders
What wre your reasons for
Making it seem
Like you were so much more
If you want to feel good
Because of our accomplishments
Why the f_ck
Don’t you just do it yourself

Cause I’ve tried
Man I’ve tried
While you all lied
So now just tell me
How does it feel
How does it feel
How does it feel
To be like you

Look at all the families now
Who don’t talk and don’t trust
Because of the way
That things have been done
When will you finally learn
To leave out the bullsh_t
And just be straight with us

view 3,880 times

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