FREE KANYE BEAT | The 808s, Life, and heartbreak of Pablo | kanye west 808s & heartbreak zip | The best newly released music

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FREE KANYE BEAT | The 808s, Life, and heartbreak of Pablo | Newly updated best music

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FREE KANYE BEAT | The 808s, Life, and heartbreak of Pablo

FREE KANYE BEAT | The 808s, Life, and heartbreak of Pablo

FREE KANYE BEAT | The 808s, Life, and heartbreak of Pablo and information related to this topic.

This beat combines some elements of the Kanye West albums 808s and Heartbreak and The Life Of Pablo. It is available FREE FOR PROFIT, download link in the description.

The vision for this free Kanye West type beat was to get to of Kanye’s more divisive albums The Life of Pablo and 808s and Heartbreak, at the time they got mixed receptions…anyway, the free for profit beat has some rhythm elements and sounds from 808s and Heartbreak, and I see that kind of Kanye flow working best on the beat, but the melody parts have some of the big, lush sounds from 808s and Heartbreak. The beat has lots of little changes through out, so has a lot of potential for rappers who will really write to this Kanye beat, so why not download it for free and give it a go, you can use it free for profit when you come up with something you like.

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Download link (free, no sign up, no bs)

You can sub here to hear all my new beats, at least two free for profit beats are uploaded per week.

This beat uses no samples so clearance is not an issue. This beat is free for profit uses, that means you do not need to purchase a licence to use it. However, industry standard royalties must be paid on any profit made with this beat.

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Keywords related to the topic FREE KANYE BEAT | The 808s, Life, and heartbreak of Pablo.

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FREE KANYE BEAT | The 808s, Life, and heartbreak of Pablo.

kanye west 808s & heartbreak zip.

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4 thoughts on “FREE KANYE BEAT | The 808s, Life, and heartbreak of Pablo | kanye west 808s & heartbreak zip | The best newly released music”

  1. The bass guitar sound could stand be a bit louder. This is a really soft beat, and could benefit from some harder hitting sounds. Because the whole thing has the same energy and it doesn't shift it makes the full thing sound like you're listening to the same thing for an extended period of the song. It isn't until around 1:40 when the choir like background drops where it feels like the first change happens. Empowering the background melodies at different points would help this feel more distinct and less of the same for much too long.

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