Hideaway Sliding Chords Lesson | hide away chords | Website providing Australia’s #1 song chords

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Hideaway Sliding Chords Lesson | You can find all the song chords here

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Hideaway Sliding Chords Lesson

Hideaway Sliding Chords Lesson

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33 thoughts on “Hideaway Sliding Chords Lesson | hide away chords | Website providing Australia’s #1 song chords”

  1. I saw that vid, makes me wonder about the whole pickup thing, I mean, a strat always sounds like a strat, which has to tell us something, the texas specials are the best pups i have owned, I know people rave about fat50s, but I like the higher output ones

  2. have you checked out the video of srv, it is called, SRV Guitar Lesson, he plays 2 versions of hideaway in an interview, and their is no backing track, just him playing raw, that's when you realize just how much of a monstrous tone he got out of the guitar, no one can come close to that, people sound good, but I have never seen anyone get that fat texas tone out of a strat like he did

  3. Your Demos are great, I am heavily into SRV at the moment, and some of the online tabs don't add up totally, no matter how long you have been playing, you still need some pointers for the SRV stuff, as he was such a great player, and although people say he was not the most technical player, well depends how you look at it, he had one of the best sounds ever to come out of blues, no one can get close, cause no one wants to have their strings like overhead electric cables, man his action was high

  4. Thanks Anthony! I'm a long time fan, student, and customer! This was the only part of the song that escaped me. You helped me nail it!!!!!!!!

  5. I've been trying to figure this bit out since 1969 when I heard Clapton's version (Bluesbreakers) – I came up with a version that doesn't sound bad, considering that it would take me years to do it this way. I surrender, I accept my limitations.

  6. I think Freddie King hits the low E string after strumming that chord 7 times. Then it's a string of sixths, high E and G strings: frets in order – 12-9-7-4-2-0-2-4-2-0-2-4-2-0-2

  7. Just a note, Anthony, to say thanks for your very helpful lessons…I started playing back in the 60´s, great times, some I even remember…anyway, i am loving your lessons, after a long absence working and raising kids I have rediscovered my love for blues guitar. Keep up the good work and again thanks!

  8. wat software or program do u use on mac to slow down the songs? i wanna try nd teach myself loads of songs, bt i can nevr wrk out songs note 4 note

  9. AHA! You are correct sir. A quick review with the handy "Capo" program for the mac reveals that instead of forming part of a major E-Form chord at the 5 chord marker, he i simply sliding that double stop from the 9th to the 7th fret. I actually like my wrong way better, but it's a heck of a lot easier the correct way. Kudos on the magic ears 🙂

  10. Upon further review, I think it's that you're playing the 8th fret on the G string on the second double-stop when it should be a half step down on the D. That's the problem. I've learned a lot from you man, no disrespect intended 🙂 Keep on keepin on.

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