Lauren Jauregui Explains Twitter Break & Talks Online Bullying | lauren jauregui twitter | The best newly released music

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Lauren Jauregui Explains Twitter Break & Talks Online Bullying

Lauren Jauregui Explains Twitter Break & Talks Online Bullying

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Fifth Harmony’s Lauren Jaregui is speaking out after announcing she is taking a break from social media due to online bullying
The girls of 5H are no strangers to online bullying, but Lauren has been the trolls’ latest target and she’s not taking it lightly.
Lauren has had enough with excessive verbal abuse from the haters online, and frankly, I don’t blame her. It all started when Lauren tweeted about the third party presidential candidate, Jill Stein. And that’s when the haters attacked. Lauren’s followers accused her of taking votes away from Hilary Clinton, and the backlash was so severe, Lauren had to make a necessary decision.
After trying to defend herself, she eventually tweeted “I’m taking a break from this shit. Y’all can have your fun and make whatever assumptions about my character you want.”
It was obvious that Lauren is genuinely hurt by the hate, opening up to Entertainment Tonight recently and sharing her thoughts on her girl Normani’s similar situation recently. Normani has been the victim of racial bullying online, and was also driven to a social media hiatus.
Lauren revealed QUOTE “I feel like a lot of people disregard the scrutiny that people like us are under. We’re not all thin, model types, and we’re not all perfectly colored. It mind-boggles me that somebody would take time out of their life to make somone feel inferior because of something like that.”
Lauren also shared that it’s great to have friends during difficult times like this, saying QUOTE “We try to sit with each other and lift each other up.”
Well, it’s great to have a support system, and it’s great to stand up to online bullying. And now you can do just that in a very creative way. Do you think you’ve got what it takes to create an emoji? You can design your own emoji or illustration and help take a stand against online bullying at, and they’re giving away tons of prizes too!
At the end of the day, we should all be building each other up online and in our everyday lives, so feel free to drop some love for the 5H girls down below, and share your thoughts on what Lauren had to say about online bullying. Then you can click right here to see us debate the best Sia music video on Debatable. Thanks so much for hanging out, I hope you all have a great day, I’m Sinead de Vries, and I’ll see you guys soon.

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Lauren Jauregui Explains Twitter Break & Talks Online Bullying.

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46 thoughts on “Lauren Jauregui Explains Twitter Break & Talks Online Bullying | lauren jauregui twitter | The best newly released music”

  1. Lauren doesn't deserve shit like that but as you know, no one has a PERFECT life so I guess that people wanted to make Lauren's hard time even harder for doing nothing wrong

  2. Online Bullying only happens if your a Leftist. Don't remember if you caught it how much Hillary & her KKK/DEMS hate Americans. So don't try passing off Liberal BS on me or anyone when the REAL Bully's are the Pigs on the left. BESIDES People judge otheres by Character NOT RACE which is an excuse for the Race baiters. I love all of the Women on Fifth Harmony, in my opinion Ally is Sunshine, Lauren is Classy, Normoni is Sugar, Diana Jean is Spice, & Carmili is Sassy. in my opinion.

  3. I don't know why people are bullying Lauren because I mean look at her she's hot and of people can't understand that Lauren is a loving and kind full person then you people don't know anything all my love goes to Lauren always have and always will❤️❤️☺️😚

  4. Props to this clevver reporter, I like her! I feel like a lot of the times they get drama wrong because they only did surface level research but points for speaking intelligently on the topic and knowing whats going on with the 3rd party candidate, also points for saying jauregui right lol

  5. The thing that bugs me the most is that its not only Lauren and Normani that get shade thrown at them in the most disgusting ways. Camila, Dinah and Ally get it all the time too. Worst part is, the people bullying the girls from Fifth Harmony call themselves Harmonizers. If you were a real fan you would follow what the girls preach everyday. Love Only, Acceptance and Equality In Live and Life.
    Buh Falicia.

  6. Could the editor of this video have chosen any more unflattering pictures. Anyway, Lauren was wasting her time with her pre teen followers. I'm glad she's voting for the third party I know I will

  7. "perfectly colored" What's that? I understand she's saying people shouldn't be scrutinized discriminated against or slandered for how they look, and I agree, but that word choice sounds highly discriminatory in itself, I do not like that

  8. I don't understand how some people have to be so damn cruel to people. Do they not understand that a lot of things may seem so wrong but they go ahead and assume so some crap that it can hurt someones feelings and people that think they say some crap and get away with it heck to the NO! PEOPLE HAVE FREAKING FEELINGS!!!! do people really believe that it's a joke to flipping say crap that isn't true about someone they don't even know well enough to judge. like what the crap!!! All I am saying is that people need to stop with this bull they think is okay to do. but that's just my opinion but no shade toward Clevver Tv. And Lauren Juaregui Don't listen to the haters. Kay?

  9. Lauren reminds me so much of Demi Lovato these days. Her intentions are good but she needs to be careful before putting something out there if she doesn't want to get hit by a shitstorm of hate. She tries so hard to be "real" and whatever and sometimes she just comes off like she doesn't really know what she's talking about. And I'm not talking about this situation particulary, but in general.

  10. It must be hard being a celebrity:(. Even I get hate in you tube for posting comments imagine being a celebrity. People just so rude and hide their hate behind a keyboard or cell phone.

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