NOT VACCINATED YET? Watch this! | 4 your eyes only download zip | Compilation of the best song lyrics

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NOT VACCINATED YET? Watch this! | Website providing Australia’s leading song lyrics

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NOT VACCINATED YET? Watch this! and information related to this topic.

Dr. Christy answers the question “Why bother getting vaccinated – it doesn’t work anyway” in response to the outbreak seen in Provincetown. If you are vaccine hesitant or know someone that is, watch this video!

Effectiveness of Pfizer vaccine against the Delta variant:

Effectiveness of Moderna vaccine against Delta variant:

Effectiveness of the J&J vaccine against Delta variant:

Study on breakthrough infections:

CDC study on Delta variant transmissibility:

>>See more useful information provided by us here:

Keywords related to the topic NOT VACCINATED YET? Watch this!.


Delta Variant,your health with dr christy,christy risinger md,dr christy risinger,reisinger,covid vaccine and delta variant,the covid vaccine effectiveness against delta,johnson and johnson against delta,Pfizer vaccine against delta,provincetown outbreak,cape cod outbreak.


4 your eyes only download zip.

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40 thoughts on “NOT VACCINATED YET? Watch this! | 4 your eyes only download zip | Compilation of the best song lyrics”

  1. This came up on my feed as "people also watched". It currently has a ratio of 2 likes for every 3 dislikes. I wonder if they didn't have any better liked videos to recommend, otherwise this "recommendation" is coming straight from the White House

  2. Typical big pharma shill…. ALL of the LAB ANIMALS DIED…. and GUESS WHAT DOC? when all involved goes before Nuremberg…. Your ass needs to be tried too…. πŸ˜’

  3. MeGA πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ
    Back to America πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ
    Breed Breed Breeding, lets bring the 60% Up and back together πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ east the Mississippi riVer πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ
    The Tru Maga lifers πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ
    Zero Masks πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ MeGA
    Zero Vaccines πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ MeGA
    Zero Condoms πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ MeGA
    Zero Abortions πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ MeGA

  4. 88% is bull because everybody I know that's got the vaccine has still gotten sick and a couple of them still had to go to the hospital. so what's the point let me just get sick on my own leave me the f*** alone.

  5. Too bad she's not even giving her actual advice based off her own investigations πŸ€¦πŸ½β€β™‚οΈπŸ˜‚, more teleprompter classes should fix that, and very telling when you got more dislikes than likes πŸ€”πŸ˜‚

  6. To all of these people in these comments I can’t wait until y’all get covid. My uncle had it, my cousin had it, my friends had it this thing is %100 real. Please wear your mask, please social distance, please wash your hands, please use hand sanitizer, and most of all please get vaccinated. It’s sad how this thing became political all because your candidate didn’t win. I’m praying to God that you people who don’t want to follow safety rules will follow them eventually, or you will have to learn the hard way.

  7. I have degrees in Western medicine, naturopathic medicine and Chinese medicine. You seem like a borderline shill for the globalist. And regarding regular vaccines you should read up on them more because most all diseases were already in freefall when they came out.

    Edit: now that I have listened to almost all of it, it is truly sad you are misleading people. People, please do not listen to this buffoon

  8. How many of those 95% of deaths of unvaccinated patients were treated with ivermectin/HCQ regiment w Vitamin D and zinc early on in the onset of disease? Why aren’t we spreading the news around known effective treatments?

  9. It is still an experimental mRNA treatment. I wouldn’t attempt to group it as a vaccine.

    mRNA is a completely new type of treatment for a virus. Although mRNA has been tested in animals for a couple of years for rabies and cytomegalovirus. If mRNA technology is such a great treatment, then why hasn’t mRNA been created earlier and used to treat HIV/AIDS or Ebola?

  10. Stew Peters Live just showed a blood sample of a vaccinated person compared to an unvaccinated person.
    The blood cells look terrible n it's clumping and there are these tubules that seem to be forming.
    People are feeling sick from these Vaccines and this is probably why

  11. According to Karen Kingston the Delta variant has arrived due to the second jab, you can check this out on Doug Billings show, everyone has their own ideas me personally has had covid 4 times and Delta once, I'm 68, smoker and my body has beaten the China virus, everyone is different so listen to your soul.
    Thanks for the info and God bless

  12. so just because she has a white coat on means she must be a doctor? lmao, this is hilarious! not to mention she doesn't actually address the issues with the vaccines or the logical fallacies, instead she personifies these fallacies

  13. 7:40 "but this is no longer true" so tell me why I should get the vaccine again? and this is to be expected? then how come no-one said anything about it? also, if it gets better at spreading, doesn't that also mean that it becomes "less lethal"? if it's less lethal, why do I need a vaccine again??

    Get the heck out of my stinkin' house!

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