Oh! Gravity. Lyrics :: Switchfoot | The site that provides the most complete music chords

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Oh! Gravity. Lyrics :: Switchfoot | You can find many other song chords here

Oh! Gravity. – Switchfoot

There’s a fracture in the color bar

In the backseat of a parked car

By the liquor store where the streetlight

Keep you company ’til the next night

In the same town, there’s the same scar

In the same glow of the liquor store

By the freeway, where the headlight

Keep her company ’til the next night

Oh! Gravity.

Why can’t we seem to keep it together?

Sons of my enemies,

Why can’t we seem to keep it together?

In the back room of the Pentagon

There’s a thin man with a line drawn

With a red jaw and a red bite

Watch the headline on the next night

Why this tragedy?

Why can’t we seem to keep it together?

In the fallout, the fallout

We found out the hype won’t get you through

We’re connected, connected

I meant it, the hype won’t get you through

view 2,164 times

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Oh! Gravity. Lyrics :: Switchfoot

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Oh! Gravity. – Switchfoot

There’s a fracture in the color bar

In the backseat of a parked car

By the liquor store where the streetlight

Keep you company ’til the next night

In the same town, there’s the same scar

In the same glow of the liquor store

By the freeway, where the headlight

Keep her company ’til the next night

Oh! Gravity.

Why can’t we seem to keep it together?

Sons of my enemies,

Why can’t we seem to keep it together?

In the back room of the Pentagon

There’s a thin man with a line drawn

With a red jaw and a red bite

Watch the headline on the next night

Why this tragedy?

Why can’t we seem to keep it together?

In the fallout, the fallout

We found out the hype won’t get you through

We’re connected, connected

I meant it, the hype won’t get you through

view 2,164 times

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