Piano Chords: The Basics | how far i’ll go chords piano | #1 song chords

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Piano Chords: The Basics

Piano Chords: The Basics

Piano Chords: The Basics and information related to this topic.

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Chords are built from scales. A triad is the most simple type of chord, it consists of 3 notes. To construct a triad you must take the 1st, 3rd and 5th. You could think of it as playing the root note, skipping the next note of the scale and playing the next one. Again, skip the following note and play the next one. These three notes create a triad. You can get major triads as well as minor triads (and more!).

You can also play these chords in different inversions. To do this, move whichever note is on the bottom of the chord to the top.

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PianoPig is an online platform for piano lessons in HD, covering scales, chords, soloing and more. For beginner, intermediate and advanced players.

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Piano Chords: The Basics.

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49 thoughts on “Piano Chords: The Basics | how far i’ll go chords piano | #1 song chords”

  1. Thank you very much I now know how to play the piano this tutorial is really understandable even for people who doesn't speak English so Thank you Very much

  2. 1-3-5. . . This only works on C scale. When you start on a sharp/flat note, picking one note and skipping one note to make a triad would be incorrect. Instead you should have taught to pick half-notes. That is, 1-5-8 for major chord and 1-4-8 for minor chord.

  3. This is exactly what I needed and explained how I needed it to be. Thank you! I don’t play piano, but I use a midi controller and when I play notes, I like to search the chords that go with it. Usually it is the other way around in music.

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