The Best Scale for Improv on Dominant 7 Chords! | how far i’ll go chords piano | #1 song chords

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The Best Scale for Improv on Dominant 7 Chords! | You can find all the song chords here

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The Best Scale for Improv on Dominant 7 Chords!

The Best Scale for Improv on Dominant 7 Chords!

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In this lesson, you’ll learn how to use the diminished scale to create interesting solo lines.

Happy practicing!
Jonny May

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The Best Scale for Improv on Dominant 7 Chords!.

how far i’ll go chords piano.

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43 thoughts on “The Best Scale for Improv on Dominant 7 Chords! | how far i’ll go chords piano | #1 song chords”

  1. Awesome lesson for the diminished scale! I want to get a Johnny CD. He's a great, great teacher, but sometimes I'd rather just hear him play. Johnny has a ton of knowledge and very efficient way of communicating his ideas. Thanks.

  2. Interesting… If you add the notes from the tri-tone substitute to the notes of the dominant, you get this scale… minus the Eb. Which means that you should be able to play this scale over the TT also.

  3. I don't really get why that C7 becomes a 13th with the A note in that octave – the 3rd and 7th are the harmonic bosses here so the 13th should be literally that – the semi-tone dissonance changes the flavour – 6/b7 as opposed to b7/13 .

  4. There are actually only three shapes for this half-whole scale that cover all the keys, depending on where you start from. C7b9 (works for Eb7b9, F#7b9 and A7b9), F7b9 (works for Ab7b9, B7b9 and D7b9) and G7b9 (works for Bb7b9, Db7b9 and E7b9). If you practice them in those batches it's easy to get familiar with all the keys in a short time.
    Why choose C, F and G as the starting points for learning? They begin with the same white-black-black-white pattern on the keyboard, so half the visual and motor learning for each is the same. Then you just raise the 4th/11th and run up the ordinary dominant scale. Don't forget that the top half of this scale is just the ordinary dominant scale.

  5. So glad to find your channel. I appreciate your enthusiasm as much as I appreciate the step-by-step nature of your lessons and that you explain why you are doing what you're doing.

  6. Great idea for a video Jonny! This and the altered dominant scale immediately took my playing up a notch once I discovered it. Great for that bebop sound I think.

  7. One nice thing about this scale is that, unlike conventional scales where you have to learn 'em in all 12 keys, if you'll practice this scale in all its 'modes' (starting at different points in the scale), then there are, I believe, only two patterns to memorize. I originally learned this scale to comp diminished chords. I hadn't realized that you could use it for dom-7ths as well. So cool !

  8. Thank you for all the very interesting videos in your channel. I play classical and pop guitar, Bass guitar and self-taught simple keyboard. I have Grade-8 ABRSM Music Theory and by watching your lessons on Jazz, Blues, Chords, Scales, etc. I did learned a lot and it really opened my ears (not only eyes) to such fantastic and wonderful music. You are a GREAT teacher, and your efforts in making all the video lessons is commendable. THANK YOU !

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