Why are these chords so COOL? | Q+A | whole heart chords | Website providing Australia’s #1 song chords

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Why are these chords so COOL? | Q+A | You can find all the song chords here

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whole heart chords and images related to this topic.

Why are these chords so COOL? | Q+A

Why are these chords so COOL? | Q+A

Why are these chords so COOL? | Q+A and information related to this topic.

Also, what trends do you see becoming popular in pop music, and is bossa nova considered “jazz?”

Some links to things in the video….

Japanese Music Notation (shakuhachi music)

Hiromi Return of the Kung Fu Champion

Conlon Nancarrow, Study for Player Piano No. 40

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Keywords related to the topic Why are these chords so COOL? | Q+A.

#chords #COOL.


Why are these chords so COOL? | Q+A.

whole heart chords.

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25 thoughts on “Why are these chords so COOL? | Q+A | whole heart chords | Website providing Australia’s #1 song chords”

  1. Adam Neely is adorable. Teaching such useful things never being snooty and being inclusive even with dumb average hobbist musician who love Jazz but get a strong inferiority complex about it…

  2. You just gave a name to it. The NOIR chord. It would play in a private detective film when a woman visits to talk about the strange activities of her estranged husband. Lol.

  3. It is not because they study it on "american" jazz scholls that it automatically become a part of the jazz genre/universe/thing. Bossa Nova is not Jazz, Bossa Nova is Bossa Nova. Don't americanize something that is not "american". It is not a part of the jazz tradition, it is a part of the Samba tradition. First things first.

  4. I recently did I live show, and my keyboard stopped working in the middle of a set. I kept trying to get the attention of the sound guy until I realized he was sleeping. Just had to pick up a sax and keep going.

  5. Birds of Fire turned me onto Fusion bigtime. Visions of The Emerald Beyond is equally mind-blowing.

    G isn't "brown" it's autumnal. But not green. All the dead leaf colours.

  6. I discovered this "Bluesy" element to the Db #11 Chord. I wrote a Blues tune in F minor that adds the Db 7#11 resolving down to the V chord (C7), for some reason It just lays well in that Key, transposing it isn't always as natural feeling to me. Probably because the f minor blues scale is literally the first Blues scale I learned ;}

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