X 'Degenerate Boy' (1985) | cosmic psychos pub lyrics | Compilation of the best song lyrics

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X 'Degenerate Boy' (1985) | Website providing Australia’s leading song lyrics

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cosmic psychos pub lyrics and images related to this topic.

X   'Degenerate Boy'  (1985)

X 'Degenerate Boy' (1985)

X 'Degenerate Boy' (1985) and information related to this topic.

the music video for ‘Degenerate Boy’ by the Australian band X.

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X 'Degenerate Boy' (1985).

cosmic psychos pub lyrics.

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25 thoughts on “X 'Degenerate Boy' (1985) | cosmic psychos pub lyrics | Compilation of the best song lyrics”

  1. I was studying at the time my mate and I ended up in Port Point and heard them playing sadly when entering the Piccadilly Hotel we were stopped by this wanker and kicked out,ahahaha,then I got a chance to meet Steve at a party where we got chatting and then another guy came up to chat,introducing ourselves was hillarious the three of us cracking up because we were all Steve's my real name is Stioe but in English it's Steve ahahaha,yes the band were a bunch of great people sadly we've list some but X lives on,imagine how embarrassed some hoteliers are now for not booking X❤❤??

  2. R.I.P Ian Rilen. Last of the great Rockers. I have fond memories of X live shows in Melbourne in the 80's. I loved the chaos of their gigs. They used to play a lot & pulled large audiences. One X live show I will never forget. I think it was at Melb Uni with Ed Kuepper on the same bill. The sound was thunderous. X were going for it at full throttle when the E string broke on Ian Rilen's bass. The band kept playing. Ian Rilen grabbed an E string from somewhere, re-strung his bass in under a minute & then joined back in with the rest of X before the song finished. He didn't have time to tune it so he joined back in with the bass out of tune & just went for it. Full on.

  3. Memories. Went to see them as often as I could when they came down to Melb. PoW, Seaview Ballarrom, the Espy. Them & the Psycho's, outstanding. Great to see & hear these guys again.

  4. I fucking live this song and play it live in Kentucky, U.S. with my drummer at least once a month when local bookers can't find/agree on which local sleazebags should open for some cunts. BEST VIDEO EVER. Kids go apeshit crazy when when we bust this one out and dance like maniacs. We play under the name of "NO COPS" and keep it that way. CHEERS

  5. This song basically sums up my entire 20's- listening to bands like this, roaming St Kilda up to no good…always broke, always bent… good times 😉

  6. I wondered where this had gone. It was filmed at the Piccadilly Hotel in Kings Cross and the first time we'd heard Cathy Green play this song since Steve Cafiero died – such a nice bloke.

  7. Aztec music has reissued their first 2 albums in the past couple years, shouldn't be too hard to find. check JB hifi or local music stores

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