Augmented 6th Chords | you will be found chords | Website providing Australia’s #1 song chords

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Augmented 6th Chords

Augmented 6th Chords

Augmented 6th Chords and information related to this topic.

Hi music theory students! In this video you will find an explanation of what an Augmented 6th chord is and how it functions. Focus will be on the Italian, German, and French forms. This video has been recorded by David Gomez, music theory professor. Feel free to ask any questions!

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Chord,college music,music education,sight-singing,composer,6th,Augmented,music theory,theory,harmony,sight singing,counterpoint,music composition,music.

Augmented 6th Chords.

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30 thoughts on “Augmented 6th Chords | you will be found chords | Website providing Australia’s #1 song chords”

  1. isn' t the German Augmented somehow a different notation to the tritonus substitution of the secondary dominant chord and has also simular functionality? sec dom D7 (d f# a c) substitution Ab7 (ab c eb gb = f#) , resolves exactly the same , right?

  2. With all due respect, when writing the Augmented 6th chords along with the Roman Numerals, you only need the 6. If you understand how the Italian, German, French, and Swiss chords work, the second number is not necessary. Much like when writing a figured Bass line, when you write a first inversion 1 chord you just have to write I 6, not I 6/3. Also, at 10:47 you say they tend to happen in root position. If you attempt to put them in "root position" (all on a line or space) you'll get a diminished third, which does not ever occur in any triad.

  3. Sir:  in the beginning of this super video, you state that you will compose a c minor triad.  Maybe I did not understand, the c minor triad is a C EFlat and a G Note.  Is that what it is.  Please inform and correct me.
    Respectfully submitted.


  4. There are 2 great books for intro into the study. I use them with my beginner students. They are "Fundamentals for the Aspiring Musician" and "Music Fundamentals: A Balanced Approach." They are both published by Routledge. Other than that, you can continue watching my channel: InMusicTheory. I'll try to post some intro to music theory videos as well soon. Thanks!

  5. Thank you!! I was about to ask about lowering the 3rd, but I kept watching and found that if it's minor, the 3rd and 6th are already louvered. Again, thank you!!

  6. Thanks, this was extremely helpful. I would love a lesson on Schoenberg's vector system of pantonality/atonality! It's coming up in my Tonal Harmony textbook and it's giving me anxiety just looking at it.

  7. Well you can think that way if building a German 65 only. Yes it is a Dominant 7th chord in structure, but the voice leading is not behaving as one. I'd say it would be confusing or even dangerous to think that way. My 2 cents, but thanks for you input!

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